Dear supporters,

At last, we have the Kate’s engine running! It’s been a long process, now it’s time to celebrate.

            We’re planning a cruise in company like last year. On Thursday 22nd December “Kate” will leave her mooring at 0900 and sail to Motuihe, then anchor for lunch. We hope to have “Flying Carpet” and several other support boats cruising in company to anchor nearby. Bring lunch to share. All welcome, please let me know by email if you’d like to come and we’ll try to fit you in.

Walk ashore, swim, chat, or siesta, change boats if you like, then back on the mooring about 4.30.

            The “Kate” will be doing more day-sails over summer, to train competent sailors as potential masters and mates, and to start taking out some youngsters who would benefit greatly from the experience. If you would like to become part of our regular volunteer crew, please let me know and we ’ll plan available times accordingly.

            In the longer term, we are still aiming for certification with Maritime NZ, and funding to pay a professional skipper and manager, but it looks like a long and costly process. We also need to finish the interior with new good quality upholstery, which will be quite expensive. Ongoing costs of maintenance and insurance and upgrading the website mean we need funds. Please consider donating, either one-off or if possible, monthly, an investment in our future.

Best wishes and good sailing,
