Your chance to own a painting by David Barker

Recently I re-connected with an old friend, marine artist David Barker, as he visited Waiheke on his launch “Feather”. I talked of the vision of “Kate” as she will be, outward bound under full sail with a bunch of trainees aboard, and he agreed to do a painting encapsulating the…

Winter Newsletter

Progress The “Kate” sits snug in her berth between the houseboats while the winter rain and gales come and go, precluding work on the exterior. The re-built stern is almost finished, and the mast and spars await funding to complete them in the Boating Club tent. Finance The money ran…

March 2016 Update

Many thanks to our valued supporters, in particular the Red Shed Art Collective for donating $1,000 from their exhibition “The Challenge of the Sea”. Also several generous individuals, the Waiheke Local Board for a grant of $2,000, and the Waiheke RSA for fully funding the $1.250 annual Apprentice Administration fees.…

Generous donation gives Kate a tender boost

The WWS Trust would like to extend their sincere appreciation for the generous gift of his lovely dinghy for use as a tender for the “Kate”. From Bernard: “We anchored off Motuihe for lunch and tried her out – wind NW 15 knots, with mainsail only and half centreboard she…